i understand energy can be converted into mass and mass can be converted into energy but i dont get
what is C Square ?
what are the Conclusions which einstein theory of relativity and brought to the modern world and what is its contribution ?
Please explain me Einstein theroy of relativity in a simple manner ?|||I'll answer your questions in reverse order--first an overall description of relativity then the more specific questions about applications and finally E=mc^2.
RELATIVITY (an idea known since before Galileo) is the notion that the laws of physics are the same in a constantly moving reference frame as they are in a stationary one. Any experiment you could do in your laboratory would work just as well in the stateroom of a moving ship (provided the ship wasn't rocking and just chugging constantly along).
SPECIAL RELATIVITY came about because the laws of electricity and magnetism (Maxwell's equations) when applied in conjunction with classical mechanics do not obey relativity. They predict, for example, that light moves with a constant velocity. This would appear to suggest that there is a special reference frame, an electromagnetic ether, in which the laws apply. But experiment failed to find such an ether. Light travels at the same constant speed in all directions no matter what your speed. So Einstiein came up with special relativity to solve this problem. He allows different observers moving at different speeds to measure different lengths and times between events so that they can both apply Maxwell's equations and both observe light travelling at the same speed. So if you see a moving ruler, it appears short. Moving clocks appear to run slow. Another result of special relativity is that an object at rest has energy proportional to its mass.
GENERAL RELATIVITY is Einstein's theory of gravity, which he developed to reconcile classical gravity to special relativity. He starts with the notion that all objects fall the same in a gravitational field (known since before Galileo) and derives equations that reconcile the observations of accelerating observers and observers in gravitational fields. One result is that clocks run slow in a gravitational well. Because all objects fall on the same path, you can model the effects of gravity not only as a force but also as a warping of space and time through which the objects move.You really can't explain the derivation of the equations without a lot of math (ie, not in a simple manner).
As for the significance of relativity, it really isn't terribly significant (compared to the other big discovery of the 20th century, quantum mechanics, which is responsible, among other things, for every piece of electronics since the transistor). Some applications of relativity:
1) It is necessary obviously for high energy particle physics and certain applications in astronomy where things are moving at speeds comparable to c
2) The equivalence between mass and energy is used by nuclear physicists as a book-keeping device to keep track of energy gained and lost in reactions. In a nuclear bomb, for instance, a lot of energy is liberated, so you have a significant decrease in mass.
3) GPS satellites require special and general relativity corrections to keep sufficiently accurate time that they can tell us where we are.
c^2 is the conversion factor between our units of mass (which are kg if you like SI units) and our units of energy (joules in SI). c also happens to be the speed at which light travels.
So in SI, c = 300 million m/s. So 1kg of mass is equivalent to (300 million squared) joules of energy.
In natural units, c=1, so an object's mass is equal to its at rest. An electron has 511 keV of mass, so an electron at rest has 511 keV of energy.|||Relativity theory relates how an observer views motion of masses. However there is no mass at rest in the universe as there is no time at rest. since every thing moves there is no such thing as an absolute rest.
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|||Time is related to the motion of gravitational masses . Without Time motion and energy would not exist.
Small masses tend to move faster than large masses.
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|||There is a whole lot more to the theory of relativity than E=mc^2, none of which says time and space are relative to each other.
c is the speed of light.|||Explaining the whole of Einstein's theory of relativity is much to difficult for Yahoo! Answers, but I can give you an overview. We'll start with E=mc^2
c is the speed of light, and is the constant of variation in this equation; It's what is necessary in order to keep the mathematics concise and easy to understand, not to mention solvable.
As for what exactly Einstein's theory is, it's a theory involving how motion and time coexist, and what that says about our universe. The first idea behind this is that there is no universal time. Time is different for different observers. For instance, assume you are standing by a train track with a train approaching. As it passes you observe someone dropping a ping-pong ball onto a table. You as a stationary observer will disagree with the observer who dropped the ball about how long it took to hit the table.
Space and time are relative to one another and become as one, creating what we know as spacetime. It is literally the fabric of our universe itself. Large bodies like our sun, actually bend this fabric around itself.
That's really the two major aspects of relatively, very roughly mentioned. You can find many explanations with visual diagrams online, I also suggest checking out a few books, for instance, The Fabric of the Cosmos, and The Universe in a Nutshell.
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