Saturday, November 19, 2011

What job or profession do I take if I want to work in relativity?

I am amazed by relativity.Is their a special profession or type of scientists which research on relativity?If so what qualificationd do I need?Is their a special degree?All answers will bw appreciated.|||The theory of relativity is now such an integral part of modern physics today that it's difficult to have any job in physics without involving it. There is no such thing as a "special degree" for just relativity, even though certain universities in the world do have a strong faculty component devoted to general relativity. The theoretical physics community is somewhat divided over the question of which will be the most fruitful direction to take us out of the impasse we've had for the past 40 years---the leading paradigm being string theory--but physicists like Penrose and Hawkings are part the general relativity camp. How to get started? Well, just major in physics, and get your BS, and decide if you want to continue on to your MS, and PhD. If you want to get into theoretical physics, then pick your colleges carefully, and get in touch with faculty members who are actively engaged in such research.

If you'd like a candid overview of the current state of physics and the issues at stake, read Lee Smolin's "Trouble With Physics". It might help you decide which direction you really want to take.|||Relativity Theory of Einstein is only a section of the World of Theoretical Physics .There are many Theories in Physics including Quantum Mechanics.

If you have a very inovative imagination and have an ability for mathermatics being a Physisit or Cosmologist may be the right Profession for you.|||You get a Ph. D. in physics and work as a research scientist.

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