Galileo and Newton were two of the main players who developed a theory of relativity - they both realized that different observers will not necessarily agree on the distance something has traveled or the velocity it is moving at.
Einstein then added time into the mix - different observers will not necessarily agree on how far something has traveled, what velocity something is moving at, or how much time has elapsed.
Many texts are extremely obscure and people, with modern concepts and ways of viewing the world, subsequently interpret those obscure, somewhat vague texts in ways that the authors never really considered, understood, or intended. There is also an element of pride involved in people trying to claim inventions or discoveries for a particular group, religion or race instead of the 'established' source. This is what we call 'revisionist history'.|||You are also ignorant morons, it looks like ...
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|||Well, look at it this way. If the Night of Mi'raj contained a fully worked theory of relativity then why was it Einstein who published first? Millions of Muslims read those texts and yet never developed that theory or related technology. Only after Einstein did you suggest otherwise. Revisionist ...
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|||They are mistaken. Twisting old ambiguous words to fit in with something new that has been discovered is not the same as relativity coming from night of mi'raj.|||You have some pretty ignorant teachers.|||I think your teacher is trolling you. As far as I know most religions shun science or any kind of logical thought for that matter WHOOPS DID I JUST SAY THAT OUT LOUD
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