Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Relativity ......... ?

Travel in future is bit unconvincing to me or can someone here put it up in simple language here ?? What about the size of object out of which the light is released as sun is too big hence the light coming out of the Sun is expected to be with higher speed then compare to the one releases from a torch light which goes to a distance and stops.

So In this case how can we decide the light of speed is constant whereby it depends on the object. I might be wrong, please correct me if I am misunderstood somewhere.|||The source of light has no influence at all on the velocity of the light. Light does not always go from one point to another at the same speed. That can depend on the medium it is travelling in. And different frequencies (colors) of light travel at different speeds in the same material medium. But ALL electromagnetic radiation moves at the same speed in a vacuum. It would make no difference at all -whether it came from the sun or an LED bulb, or a fire-fly.

The speed of light is even independent of the speed of the light source.

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