Friday, December 2, 2011

Does the discovery of dark matter weaken the general theory of relativity?

Unlike Gravitational, the general theory of relativity does not predict the existence dark energy and dark matter. If gravity is just a curvature in space time, caused by matter, does it mean that space time is not affected by these?|||The answer is 'NO', the General Theory predicted it's existence...|||The other answer is GTR demonstrates space time curvature under massive gravity. The observed curvature (through galactic lenses etc.) could not be explained by the observable mass.

That excessive curvature in fact was one of the indicators that something more than baryonic mass (the stuff we can see) was present. That is, normal matter could not account for all that curvature.

So, to the contrary, GTR was actually strengthened by the observation of dark matter when made to glow and become visible by the energy of two colliding galaxies.

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